The Big Dream is based on the written correspondence between two of the actors in Verk Produktioner. The letters explore the choices that they have made and how they have mastered everyday life and themselves. They write from where they find themselves right now, in an effort to better understand something in the work, the time and themselves. The gaze is directed towards a shared vision; the dream of what the theatre may contain.
“Do you remember the text of Heiner Müller called Hydra? It’s an incredibly scary story. It is about one who is hunting a monster in a forest. As time goes by, she loses hold of time and place. Nor does the forest resemble any forest she has walked in before, and this battle with the monster gradually begins to lose its importance. She also wondered if she who was hunting this monster was a completely different person than herself. She threw herself forward in some quick throbs but couldn’t move. And suddenly, in the midst of the rising panic, she realized that the forest she was walking in was the beast and that she had become a part of the beast she was hunting. She had no chance to stop it. After all, she had only adapted to the forest’s movements. She realized that she would never be able to stop this monster that she herself had become a part of.”
Verk Produksjoner is celebrating its 20th anniversary after having produced and presented critically acclaimed performances at home and abroad since 1999, receiving warm responses from both press and audiences. Saturday 12. October there will be seminars, readings and a book launch in connection with Verk’s 20th anniversary. Follow our website and our Facebook page for more information!
Med / With: Anders Mossling, Saila Hyttinen, Fredrik Hannestad, Solveig Laland Mohn, Per Platou. Scenografi, lys konsept / Scenography, Light concept: Jakob Oredsson. Tekstdramaturg / Text dramaturge: Runa Skolseg. Light technician/ Scenography assistent: Felipe Osorio-Guzmán. Produsent / Producer: Pernille Mogensen. Produsentassistent / Producer assistant: Lea Basch. Støttet av / Supported by: Kulturrådet. Co-produksjon / co-production: Black Box teater (Oslo).