The Answering Machine (2007)


The Ibsen Prize winner  Finn Iunker and his texts are starting to be well known, still, his text “The Answering Machine” is not that known. Iunker wrote this text in english in 1994 during a study in Amsterdam.

The Answering Machine does not have one narrative, but several narratives at the same time. We can perceive a person in the distance but he/she can be many. The text alters between travel-descriptions and referances to the subject of logic, questions around theoretical science and problems raising teenage kids. It´s maybe a story about experiencing and recalling – and about the impossibility of both.

Verk has in the past years created a their own performance style:  A distanced mode of acting giving space to the texts anatomy and at the same time creating theatrical caracters.

Instruction: Saila Hyttinen
Actor: Fredrik Hannestad
Text: Finn Iunker
Translation: Kristian Seltun and Verk Produksjoner
Sound: Per Platou
Scenography: Signe Becker og Verk Produksjoner
Video: Amanda Steggell
Light: Tilo Hahn
Dramaturg: Kristian Seltun
Koncept: Saila Hyttinen, Fredrik Hannestad and Anders Mossling
Funded by: Norsk kulturråd and Fond for utøvende kunstnere
Co-produksjon: Black Box Teater



Short video: Answering Machine by Verk Produksjoner from verkproduksjoner on Vimeo.

Posted in Projects.