Ongoing reflections

The background of this research is based in my belief that there is always more to reality than what we see, and we still don´t know what that “more” is, unless we investigate and experiment. At the end of the day this “more” often thrives in the realm of the poetic, in the sphere of […]


Inspirert av Stanislaw Lem’s “Solaris” og Tarkovskijs filmatisering, utforsker VERK mysteriet ved en fremmed planet. Forestillingen utforsker hvordan teatret kan knytte oss til det uforklarlige og omfavne det ukjente.

Markens Grøde av Knut Hamsun

The novel Markens grøde depicts Isak and Inger Sellanrå who go out into the wasteland and through hard work build a new world.

Opening Night (2021)

We had a desire to go back to the starting point, to the theatre itself, to the idea of the theater.

The Big Dream (2019)

The Big Dream is based on the written correspondence between two of the actors in Verk Produksioner.


Verk produksjoner piles up heaps of scenography elements, but should have toned them down to get across the points of the performance   THEATER «Manifest United» By and with Verk Produksjoner Black Box, Oslo 06.04.2018   Verk Produksjoner piles up heaps where they should have peeled away, and lets an exciting project drown in scenographic […]

Mickey Mouse meets Reveenka (the fox widow, Norwegian folk tale)

Over spruce and logs and one hundred years of Art manifestos. (Image): Unconstrained by the words, Verk’s audiovisual tableaus are titillating enough for the imagination and mind not to think of tomorrows chores.   Review by Ilene Sørbøe Verk Produksjoner Manifest United Black Box, large stage Showing 11. to 15. April   Translated by Ida […]

With a will towards Art – Verk’s manifest

With humour and deep earnesty, Verk investigates the conditions of the arts with their own art. Text: Elin Lindberg Manifest united By and with Verk Produksjoner: Saila Hyttinen, Fredrik Hannestad, Signe Becker, Per Platou, Tilo Hahn, Solveig Laland Mohn, Espen Klouman Høiner, Håkon Mathias Vassvik, Anders Mossling, Lea Basch, Kjersti Alm Eriksen, Jon Refsdal […]

Surplus value

CRITIC | 6.4.2018
Julie Rongved Amundsen ( Verk produksjoner, Manifest United FACTS By and with: Saila Hyttinen, Fredrik Hannestad, Anders Mossling, Signe Becker, Per Platou, Tilo Hahn, Solveig Laland Mohn, Espen Klouman Høiner, Håkon Mathias Vassvik, Lea Basch, Kjersti Alm Eriksen, Jon Refsdal Moe, Pernille Mogensen. With support from: Kulturrådet. Co-produced by: Black Box teater (Oslo), […]

Newsletter April 2018

Only days left to the premiere of MANIFEST UNITED and the first two books in our BOOK SERIE will be released on April 5th. Read more in our newsletter here.     

Verk book series (2018-2019)

These books are not a recapitulation of Verk’s productions, but rather an attempt to create a book series to talk about the skills, methods and practice we share in Verk.

Kommunikationsproblemer i Kirsebærhaven.

Haven var helt hvid (remix) Af Henrik Vestergaard Pedersen Kommunikationsproblemer i Kirsebærhaven. Anton Tjechovs skuespil Kirsebærhaven fokusere meget på problemet med sproglig kommunikation mellem mennesker. Problemet er, at visse (uudsigelige) ting ikke kan udtrykkes sprogligt, men skal udtrykkes nonverbalt, hvis de da overhovedet kan udtrykkes. Replikvalget i alle dele af Kirsebærhaven er gennemsyret af dette […]

En analyse af Haven var helt hvid

Kjetil Sandvik At genskabe Tjechov eller selv blive genskabt En analyse af Haven var helt hvid Det danske teaterkompagni Balteatret og det norske teaterkompagni Verk Produksjons co-produktion Haven var helt hvid har undertitlen at genskabe Tjechov. Jeg vil her argumentere for, at undertitlen måske også kunne være Tjechov genskaber “Haven var helt hvid”. Jeg er […]

Morgenbladet 24.September 1999 Grete Indal

“The performance The Garden was white is a reconstructed modern version of Anthony Chekov’s The Cherry Orchard. In The Garden was white, the Bal Theater (Danish) and Verk Produksjoner (Norwegian) give Chekov’s play from the 1800s a timeless frame. The reproduction puts together pieces of the realistic drama in such a way that the play […]

Manifest United (2018)

Verk digs into artists’ manifestos of the last hundred years, and throw theirselves into a hurricane of changing ideas, transformations and artistic envisions.

Newsletter January 2017

Happy New Year! Verk Produksjoner started this year in New York to be inspired, meet with friends and colleagues and present our work at the nordic meeting. Back in Oslo we are continuing our rehearsals on a new production to be premiered at Oslo International Theaterfestival at Black Box Theatre March 16th – 18th 2016. This […]

Wishful Beginnings

Newsletter September 2016

We are in a crisis! In a world of change, progress and terror live hand by hand. Who´s the good guy and who´s the bad guy? Who´s right and who´s wrong? Who has the right weapons and who´s got the wrong weapons? Who can you trust? And maybe more importantly, how should you to act in a spectacular […]

Come as you are (2017)

Come as you are invites you to let go of understanding, to succumb to the unknown, getting lost and then finding a way back. Premiered March 2017.

Newsletter JUNE 2016

Reviews, touring and video of Wishful Beginnings – read our June Newsletter here. We wish you a happy summer!

Paradise Now Poster

Limited. Signed by Signe Becker. For sale. Price 1 500 kr. Size: 70×100 / 100×70. Order:    

Contemporary times disjointed

Wishful beginnings is a visually strong experience, however the content is more fumbling and unclear.   Morgenbladet – reviews, culture by Anette Therese Pettersen Theatre Verk produksjoner WISHFUL BEGINNINGS Black Box Teater, big stage, 6.April, plays until 17.April   Verk Produksjoner have replaced the stage curtain in Black Box Teater’s big stage with an impenetrable […]

The sincere and the contrived

At their best, the relatively simple texts combined with the exaggerated theatricality twist and put a new perspective on our common references, Ole Hval writes about Verk Produksjoner’s new performance, which title is borrowed from a Bowie-song. by Ole Hval Published: 12.04.16   Beat The Drum: Wishful Beginnings begins wishfully with two actors standing […]

Thought as Bodily Experience

REVIEW: The entire human body – and then some – is mobilised in Beat The Drum. The result is a very wise performance. Grethe Melby writes about Verk Produksjoner ́s new project. by Grethe Melby Meteor – International Festival of Theatre Verk Produksjoner Beat The Drum Studio USF   When everything is connected to […]

The future is a golf-court

Verk Produksjoner takes the future to the stage in a surprisingly traditional manner. Dagsavisen by Inger Marie Kjølstadmyr 4 THEATER «Wishful Beginnings» By Verk produksjoner With Fredrik Hannestad, Saila Hyttinen, Anders Mossling, Espen Klouman Høiner, Pernille Mogensen, Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk, Jon Refsdal Moe and more Black Box Teater   Hope is essential in people’s lives. How […]

The shock of the future

To be or let be: that is the question in Verk Produksjoner’s “Wishful beginnings”.  Klassekampen Therese Bjørneboe: Theatre “Wishful beginnings” by and with Verk Produksjoner, Black Box Teater, Store Scene, Oslo. Original (Norwegian):  KK080416 REVIEW Themes too heavy, or form too light.  Ever since their breakthrough with Finn Iunker’s “Ifigeneia” in 2007, Verk Produksjoner have occupied […]

Where to draw the line between common, recognisable, well known, trivial and futile?

Dagbladet: by Lillian Bikset4 April 6th 2016 Cliché as the lowest common denominator THEATRE: Where to draw the line between common, recognisable, well known, trivial and futile? Where to set the border between pretension and a parody of pretension, how to define the difference between fervency and ironising upon fervency? When should reuse be perceived […]

«Wishful Beginnings» invites you to the apocalypse’s after-party.

Aftenposten: Per Christian Selmer-Anderssen5 Verk produksjoner Beat the drum: Wishful Beginnings Fredrik Hannestad, Saila Hyttinen, Espen Klouman Høiner, Håkon Vassvik, Solveig Laland Mohn, Tilo Hahn, Per Platou, Signe Becker Humanity´s downfall is caused by hedonism and skin-cancer, accompanied by David Bowie’s lyrics. From the idea of people’s extinction, Verk Produksjoner make strong theatre. When we […]

Newsletter March 2016

Only days left to the WORLD PREMIERE of WISHFUL BEGINNINGS. Read more in our March newsletter here.

Newsletter January 2016

Happy New Year! We are developing a new show premiering April 6 at Black Box Theatre – read more in our January newsletter here. 

Newsletter October 2015

Read about our new show that will premiere April 6th 2016 and more in our October Newsletter. 

Dublin Workshop 29.09-15

We had some great days in Dublin, we are gathering material  for our next show, and in that occasion we investigated our thoughts in the workshop together with some really great irish students. We read some texts together and walked for an hour where we gave them a task to think about downfall stories.They really […]

Wishful Beginnings

Wishful Beginnings (2016)

“An apocalyptic after-party” (Aftenposten). Premiered April 2016 at Black Box Theatre in Oslo.

Newsletter May 2015

Dear friends and colleagues! Happy to meet some of you at the IETM spring plenary meeting in April. In this newsletter you find the latest update on our new project Beat The Drum that will premiere during CPH Stage festival 12th and 13th of June. Read more from here: MAY NEWSLETTER

Beat The Drum (2015)

Premiered in Copenhagen June 2015. Beat the drum is focusing on the present and future.

Paradise Now at Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival

We are happy to announce that Paradise Now will be part of Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival at Black Box Theatre March 23 – 24. Follow the festival at Facebook for update on the program. Hope you will join us!

Paradise Now (2014)

A re-establishment of the enigmatic time in which crucial choices were made. Premiered November 2014 at Black Box Theatre in Oslo.


Stalker (2013)

A story about a film about a journey to a room. Winner of The Norwegian Hedda Prize 2013: “Best performance of the year”. Premiered April 2013 at Black Box Theatre in Oslo.

Build Me A Mountain

Build Me a Mountain (2011)

How to relate to our own time and how to continue to live when all the illusions are gone. Premiered in Helsinki 2011.

The Eternal Smile

The Eternal Smile (2010)

A performance about the dead and their complex relationship towards the living, based upon the swedish author Pär Lagerkvist novel. Winner of The Hedda Award 2011 in the category of Best Performance of the year. Premiered November 2010.

Play Alter Native

Play Alter Native (2009)

Om menneskenes maktkamp om knappe goder, om krigens logikk og hva som skjer når penger blir blandet inn konflikten.

Dealing With Helen

Dealing With Helen (2008)

”Damn good theatre” – Morgenbladet(Oslo weekly)
”Interesting and entertaining performance” – Dagsavisen(Oslo daily)

The Answering Machine

The Answering Machine (2007)

Verk Produksjoner using The Ibsen Prize winner Finn Iunker’s text “The Answering Machine”. Premiered 2007.


Ifigenia (2006)

Verk’s Ifigeneia is a political farce that has its roots in Greek tragedy.


House (2005)

Verks’ staging of ”House” by Richard Maxwell marks the first time this influential American dramatist is staged, not only in Norway, but Scandinavia in general. Premiered 2005 at Black Box Theatre.

The duck variations (2003)

Verk has chose a modern cult-classic for thIS production; the acclaimed off-off-Broadway play, “The Duck Variations”, by the American playwright David Mamet. Premiered 2003.

The Orchard was all white (1999)

The starting point for this performance is Anton Chechov’s “The Cherry Orchard.” However, the time and the original social context in the play have been changed.